29 Jan

New Plaghunter Features – January 2014

A lot of new features in Plaghunter. Enjoy!

More Results

There are now even more results per image. We added Yandex and also more Google results, because we now use more search terms per image.

New Filter

We added a new filter called DCMA.

Look & Feel

You will now find two images in the image report view. One is the original you added to Plaghunter. The other one is the one from the page that uses your image.

New Feature: Original vs Discovered

New Feature: Original vs Discovered

You can recognize instantly wether this is your’s or not and even adjustments will be visible much quicker. So you do not have to visit every page with mouse click by mouse click.


We also improved Plaghunters performance. In a first step we optimized compression, caching and minifying.